Hello Friends!
I’m just writing to remind you that there are three big events that will round out my teaching year. You are invited to join me. Let’s share some quality classroom time together.
October 7-11, I will be teaching at Madeline Island School of the Arts, on one of the Apostle Islands in scenic northern Wisconsin. This is one of my favorite venues! You will be rubbing elbows with other creative types while enjoying concentrated work time in their airy and bright studios. My workshop this year is “Shape Shifting”. This is a wonderful way to play with some favorite motifs while learning my technique of collage art appliqué. Great company, stimulating conversations and fabulous scenery guaranteed.

The next exciting venue is the International Quilt Festival in Houston,October 28 – November 3. You have aways wanted to go, right? Well, go for it!! I am doing a handful of one day classes there along with many other talented teachers. This is an event you will never forget!

And finally, my absolute favorite way to wrap up the teaching year is a week at the idyllic Hudson Valley Fiber Art Workshop, December 1-7 for the Abstracting from Nature class. With Christmas holidays just around the corner, this “Courier and Ives” victorian setting is magical. The meals are excellent and the company is superb. The classroom is in the coachhouse which inspires camaraderie and exploration. Plus their homemade holiday chocolate business is in full swing and just the aroma will lift your spirits. I would love to share this special time and place with you.