Early Birds Give Away!

There has been a dramatic change in the landscape this week! After a week of sunshine and idyllic autumn days, it finally rained and brought wind and cooler temperatures. It’s all good weather to me, although I’ve hardly had a chance to enjoy it!

This was the week for gathering, organizing, packing and shipping all the supplies and booth accessories for my booth at Houston Quilt Market. Too much driving, too many lists and shopping for those little details. This morning I loaded it in the car and shipped them out! What a relief!

You all know what it’s like when your sewing machine is beckoning to you but you have to ignore it! This was my week. So in celebration of a job well done, I am going to give you a sneak peek at the new Early Bird Mugs that have just been unpacked.

In fact, I’m so happy to have this assignment completed that I’m going to give away one mug each to two random visitors who leave a comment on this post. The winners will truly be Early Birds and have the first mugs to venture into the world. The design is from the signature fabric for the new Early Birds collection for FreeSpirit.

You can see how much fun this fabric will be to quilt and create with, so I am especially excited to have so many Early Birds quilts to share in the upcoming book, Patchwork Sassaman Style with Dragon Threads publishers.

By the way, did you notice that Dragon Threads was giving away some of my greeting cards, too?

Maybe this week I will get to enjoy my surroundings a little more, but now I’ve got too many sewing projects to whip up for Market. But that’s a much nicer assignment!

83 Responses to “Early Birds Give Away!”

  1. Lynn says:

    Love the early bird mugs! Hope your packages have a safe flight!

  2. Terry says:

    Oh, I love those mugs!

  3. night owl says:

    Hi Jane, I met you when I took a class you taught at the Quilters Gathering in NH quite a while ago and knew you were headed for great things. I was thrilled to find your blog and absolutely love your work- all of it! Wish I could come to Quilt Market. All the best, Jules Means, Beverly, MA

  4. Debbie says:

    Oooo! I’d love to have one of those mugs, Jane. Then I’ll have to buy the fabric to match, LOL!

  5. Cathy H says:

    Oh wow, love those mugs…. can’t wait to see the fabrics…

  6. Mimi says:

    Would love a mug! Here is my comment, count me in.,.. When will this fab be in the quilt stores???? it does no good to ask and ask and ask, one becomes a pest at the quilt store…. but if I know close I might hit it right….

    Wondering if the mugs will be available or if they are a market promotion?

    The prairie sunflower pic is exqusite for this time of year….

  7. elle says:

    There is something about your colour and design esthetic that is just so refreshing. Luv it!

  8. Merrie Jo says:

    The mugs are absolutely wonderful! Would love to win one. Looking forward to Houston..my 1st time there!

  9. annieQ says:

    I am not an early bird, but would absolutely love one of your mugs. They are beautiful.

  10. Carol says:

    I would love to drink my tea from those lovely mugs!

  11. peggy says:

    I am loving those colorful mugs. Thanks for the opportunity to win one.

  12. Letterpress says:

    I’m excited for your new line and wish you all success in that venture. The photo of you with your car loaded first made me wonder if you drove to Quilt Market? So early? And then I read that you shipped it off. If you drove–YOU would be the Early Bird!


  13. kateuk says:

    Lovely mugs! We had our first frost yesterday and it was really foggy this morning- Autumn well and truly here in the UK. Hope Houston goes well- the new fabrics look gorgeous.

  14. Jane,
    Your creative ability just blows me away – if I only had a tiny part of your talent …

    All the best for a safe trip,
    Katie from

  15. Melinda says:

    Love the mugs and the fabric. I would love to win a mug.

  16. Love the mugs. Love your work, as you already know! Have a great market!

  17. Connie says:

    I can’t wait to see the mugs and fabrics in person in Houston

  18. Chris Daly says:

    Count me in Jane. I adore your fabrics!

  19. MW says:

    The blue and pink birds of hot tea/coffee/cocoa happiness…can’t wait to see the matching fabrics!

  20. gaylemckay says:

    The mugs are gorgeous! Even drinking something you didn’t like would be easy to do if it were in such a happy mug!

    Always enjoy your blog.


  21. jill says:

    The coffee mugs are fabulous. Can’t wait to see the fabrics! JILL

  22. Oooh, Jane, I’d love the chance to be an Early Bird and win an Early Bird — count me in, please. And best of luck at the show!


  23. Debi says:

    wonderful new mugs, I would love to win. Your work is awesome. Congrats on your new line

  24. M-R says:

    Oooh, those mugs are beautiful! I’d love to have my morning tea in one of those. Thanks for the giveaway!

  25. Jackie says:

    Oh, I just screamed at my husband to tell him that I found a coffee mug I simply adore!!!! I sure hope you pick me!

  26. Sue says:

    What pretty mugs! Can’t wait to see the new fabric.

  27. judybee says:

    Oh, what gorgeous mugs! I’m so hoping they were be available in the wide world and not just at the quilt market.

  28. Marg M says:

    good luck with everything you need to do and have a lovely time at Houston

  29. Mindy says:

    Happy sewing to you! I can’t wait to see just what beauties you will come up with this time. The mugs are pretty enough to make one (almost) want to be an early rising bird, so you can snag the mug of choice…the early bird mug, of course!

  30. Linda Evans says:

    Those beautiful mugs filled with hot tea would make me a happy inspired girl!

  31. Those mugs are FABULOUS! I especially like the bleeding hearts. Will they be for sale? I’ll be at Quilt Market, and hope to meet you.

  32. mek says:

    The mugs are great – I like the look on that bird! I am so looking forward to the new line, too!

  33. El in Oz says:

    Love the mugs and love your fabric. I haven’t bought any yet but certainly plan to.

  34. Sandra says:

    I would love one of your beautiful mugs. That sunflower pic is so you. Best of luck with Houston prep.

  35. be*mused jan says:

    I think your newest designs are your best, although that’s how I feel about your fabrics each time you debut a new line!
    The mugs are wonderful. Who wouldn’t be an early bird if they could wake to their morning coffee in one of them? 🙂

  36. Allison says:

    Each time you introduce a new fabric collection, it’s always followed by a big gasp from being “wow”-ed again. I’ve been a huge fan of your work for a number of years, and this collection is no different.

    Beautiful mugs! Beatiful fabric! Looking forward to the beautiful projects… great giveaway!

  37. tesuque says:

    The mugs are great – what a nice way to enjoy your fabric designs with none of the work involved in sewing or quilting!

  38. Kate says:

    Ahh the mugs are fantastic! Can’t wait to see the fabric!

  39. Karen says:

    Birds are quite the in thing for design, so lovely!

  40. GerryART says:

    Won’t these mugs be great to hold a morning cup of java, or afternoon cuppa earl grey?
    Wake-awake colors for this coming winter season.
    Love ’em,

  41. Your begonias look great, the do enjoy the cooler weather. Lone the new line ans the cups!

  42. susan says:

    Such beautiful mugs and fabric. Can’t wait to get them!

  43. shams says:

    Gorgeous mugs!

  44. Peep-peep, that means WOW in birdie cheep! Those mugs will look beautiful with my placemats. My cuppa tea NEVER had a better setting!!!! Paulette in VA

  45. Marianne says:

    meilleures pensées de Suisse

  46. The mugs are wonderful! Thanks for the chance to win one. Do you know how they will be marketed–your site or quilt shops?


  47. Rachaeldaisy says:

    Not long till market!! I’m so looking forward to seeing pictures of your booth!! I know it’ll be amazing!! Those mugs are just so lovely!!

  48. Mary says:

    just love the mugs. Can’t wait to see the fabrics. I hope that Houston is successful for you.

  49. Linda says:

    The mugs are sooo fun! Lift your spirits immediately!
    Enjoyed taking a class from you in Bellevue, WA
    May your travels always find you back home and safe.

  50. Beautiful Mugs!
    I hope to see you in Houston!

  51. Estie says:

    I love your mugs!

  52. Katie says:

    How can I resist? Your designs are gorgeous! 🙂

  53. The mugs are great! Especially love the blue bird.

  54. Nancy says:


    You create the best designs! The mugs are wonderful and I just can’t wait to add your new line of fabrics to my stash.

  55. Tine Hohl says:

    Those mugs are so adorable! Especially the black on the left.
    Ich würde gerne meinen Tee draus trinken 🙂

    Have a nice day

  56. pwofford says:

    Anything with birds is a winner! Thanks for the giveaway.

  57. Laurie says:

    I can hardly wait to get my hands on your new book and new fabric! LOVE the boldness of all! The mugs are amazing!

  58. Sassaman in the round! I’m putting in my comment and an order so I’ll surely have something special waiting for me when I return from Houston.

  59. MoeWest says:

    The Early Bird fabric looks lovely. I especially like the Blueberry colourway.

  60. Patricia says:

    I would certainly feel honored to be the recipient of one of the mugs (fingers crossed)

  61. Hi! I'm Lisa says:

    Picked up some “Jane” fabric in Marshall, Michigan. It’s always such a seek and find. We need more shops to carry your fabric in this neck of the woods.

  62. gorgeous mugs!!! I would love to have one.

  63. Margy says:

    Wonderful mugs – so perfect for brightening up a grey rainy day. Love your designs as always. Margy

  64. Love Them! Can’t wait to see the fabrics and what you did with them.

  65. Unknown says:

    This comment has been removed by the author.

  66. Unknown says:

    Oh no! Not another range! I haven’t finished the quilt from the LAST range yet! Congradulations from Australia, looking forward to seeing the new range when it (eventually) gets here.

  67. Wow, I can’t wait to get my hands on some of the fabric!! What a fun give-a-way 🙂

  68. Jeannie says:

    Jane! Your mugs are wonderful! I think coffee or cocoa will taste a bit sweeter in them.

  69. Your blue bird on the black background is quite stunning.

  70. Such fun chic mugs… I’m thinking about the wild mug rug I’m going to construct when you email me to let me know I’m a winner!!! What a hoot that would be. These are fine looking mugs. Where may I purchase one???… just in case you don’t send that email.
    Hugs from Mary

  71. Oh Jane, those mugs are fantastic! Glorious pattern and color, all wrapped around a mug for colorful goodness first thing in the morning!

  72. Mrs. Welshon says:

    Oh my, I love the new fabric. It combines my love of color and birds. I will have to get some very soon. I’d love to have the dark mug, too.
    Thanks and congrats on the new line!

  73. judy12 says:

    What cheerful mugs…using them would be a great way to start the day

  74. patty a. says:

    The mugs will add a shot of color to someone’s day as winter approches. They are just beautiful!

  75. Mary says:

    I just found you after reading about you in Quilter’s newsletter….I’m in love with your mugs and your fabric…can’t wait to get them both!

  76. Cindy says:

    These are absolutely beautiful! I especially love the pink. Melissa P has turned me into a huge fan of yours. What a great combo the two of you are!

  77. margaretk says:

    Your style is so distinctive and beautiful – I know it whenever I see it, and have a bit of it in my stash, as well as your book. I will be looking for it in my LQS. The mugs are awesome, too!

  78. GloJoeSews says:

    Beautiful, as usual!

  79. Karen says:

    Beautiful! I love everything you do!

  80. Dianne says:

    Hi Jane, You stayed with me when you taught at WMQG in Grand Rapids. Have you made it back to GR to tour Fredrick Meijer Gardens and Sculpture Park? How about ArtPrize in Sept. Your husband should enter. Love the bird designs! Your color choices are always glorious.
    Dianne VanderMeer

  81. Linda says:

    The mugs are awesome–love the birds and bright colots—-love them…

  82. Angela says:

    Am I still on time for this? I just got the updates in my Google Reader, don’t know why so late. Anyway, I would really like to have one of those mugs.

  83. bmayer says:

    I hope this “late bird” is not too late for the giveaway!I was on vacation, and experienced 3 seasons in 5 days…including SNOW in the mountains of NC. I just KNOW I’m going to win. Will you sign my mug, before you ship it to me?? Thank you in advance.

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