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This month we introduce Jane's latest work entitled Pushing Up Daisies. Jane tells of the creative inspiration behind this quilt and her return to the skeleton.
Click here for the story.
what's new

Jane stars in American Patchwork & Quilting
AP&C has a terrific profile of Jane in their October 2003 issue now on your local newstand. Great pictures, a very nice article and a pattern for Jane's Kaleidescope quilt are all featured.

Inspiration Center...
Each new issue our Inspiration Center will feature writing dealing with creativity and inspiration for better quilting & better living. We start with a terrific piece on "Moodling" by Anne Johnson. Never heard of Moodling? Read on!
Go to The Inspiration Center

Download free Tree of Life Pattern...
This is the simple pattern created by Jane for Free Spirit's ad campaign. We have also put together bundles of fabric that go along with
go to download page.
Quiltropolis Interview
Our friends at Quiltropolis.com have put together a profile of Jane including a new online interview.
Go to the Quiltropolis Interview
Sassaman Quilts
Interested in purchasing a Sassaman original? This page lists all of Jane's available quilts as well as a link to request a commission.
Go to Sassaman Originals
quick jumps
The Idea Book...
The idea book is the place to come for ideas on how to use Jane's fabrics, patterns and more...
Go to The Idea Book
Exotic Quilt Gallery...
This gallery features quilts made with Jane's Exotic Garden fabric...and Jane talks about her strategies working with this powerful fabric. This month there is one new quilt by Diane Weber.
Go to the Exotic Quilt Gallery
Jane's visual resource bibliography...
A resource for Jane's students and anyone interested in a bibliography of inspirational picture books.
Go to Bibliography
Archived home pages...
We've created a home for our past stories and Jane's writing.
Go to Archive
on the web
C&T Master Class
Quilt Publisher C&T features a section from Jane's recent book The Quilted Garden entiltled What is Good Design.
Go to Article
Stay up to date...
We keep our mailings short and sweet, once every 6 weeks or so. We'll let you know of new product releases, appearances, magazine stories and more.
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Spring, the most beautiful time in Chicago, this two-fisted city. The whole place seems to be under a spell. Even the cars are covered with bright green confetti after being parked beneath the budding trees, looking like they have just returned from an all night fairy celebration. Spring brings back optimism, a new world of insight and potential.
This contagious optimism has gotten into me, too. I am waiting anxiously for samples of the next line of fabric to be delivered. They were designed during my winter hibernation, but guided by daydreams of spring blossoms: primroses, lily of the valley, hydrangea. Pinks, purples, yellow and robins egg blue to brighten the gray winter days. You will be the first to see them when they arrive.
I have been thrilled to see how Janes Exotic Garden is being used! Pajamas, pillows, jackets, bags, hats and quilts. Thank you all for your imagination and enthusiasm! I am looking forward to seeing what will be created from the next line. Please send photos so we can share them on the site.
There is also another transition on my mind this spring. This is my daughters final year of high school. She is the youngest child and will be off to art school in California this August. I am very aware that I am doing many tasks for the last time: the morning drive to school, the plays and performances, sack lunches, and proof reading homework. Who will say, Whats for dinner, Mom? every afternoon at 4:30. I find myself in tears often. I am already missing her!
I am frightened and excited about her future. This will be an adventure for both of us. We are frighteningly alike and we have been close companions. But I am also feeling the same way about my own future. I hope I still like my husband when there are no kids to focus our attention on. But then I think of the extra time I will have in my schedule and I begin looking forward to the change.
But perhaps I should calm down. Our son will graduate from college next year and may be heading home with a new set of ideas and habits. Maybe I should just plan on taking advantage of my new life while I can.
In this month's janesassaman.com, we feature a terrific article by Anne Johnson about the intangible side of creativity and how to give yourself the time to nurture it. The article is called "Take Time for Creative Moodling," and you can find it in the Inspiration Center. We found Anne at her site www.womenfolk.com, a rich source of writing and links which examine the history and meaning of quilting in America.
Also new this time around is an online interview with the good folks over at Quiltropolis, a free download of the Free Spirit Tree of Life Pattern, new needlepoint canvasses, handbags and pj's...enjoy your visit!
JAS - January 20th, 2003
I have suddenly gained some time in my work schedule during August and September. If you are looking for a workshop for your guild or event please contact me through this web site.
We need your Exotic Garden projects for our galleries! Email your pictures of your projects to information@janesassaman.com.
Jane's New Fabric Update...
We've seen the latest strike-offs of Jane's new line of fabric, provisionally entitled Jane's Floral Fantasy. We are very excited and we think you will be, too! The stirke-offs are the first, hand-screened samples of the fabric for review of the artist. Jane's meticulous eye has reviewed all the patterns and she has sent back the samples to the printer with her revisions. This new line of fabric pushes the creative envelope yet again. We will keep you up-to-date on its availability at this point, we are looking forward to a September 2003 release.
Surface Design...
Jane will be showing her two latest quilts at the Surface Design show entitled Fabric Constructions. Her quilt Pushing Up Daisies has its debut above, and we will be sharing Forgotten Garden in a future edition.
The Fabric Constructions show, curated by Jan Myers-Newbury, takes place May 30-June30 at Leedy-Voulkos Gallery, 2012 Baltimore, Kansas City, Missouri. The show will run In conjunction with "Hands On", the Surface Design Association conference.
Pattern Update...
This is the guilty part of this edition. We thought we could get these patterns put to bed in a timely manner, but there are a million little details to attend to before they are ready to print. There are four very lovely patterns based on seasonal quilts Jane has specifically made for this project. Sassaman workshop attendees have been getting a sneak peek at the originals, and the reaction thus far has been very positive. Each pattern will measure 8" square and Jane is already cooking up more ideas for other patterns in the series. We will be sure to let you know when the patterns come off the presses!
American Patchwork & Quilter Profile...
AP&Q will be doing a profile on Jane Sassaman in their Fall issue. They came to visit earlier this year and took lots of photos of Jane's workplace and home as well as new quilt projects. The issue will also feature a pattern based on the Kaleidoscope quilt as well as an opportunity to purchase a fabric bundle for the pattern. Stay tuned and we'll let you know when the edition hits the stands.
About this site...
We want this site to be informational, inspirational and fun! Please let us know what you think. We would love to know what you would like to see in the future, as well as things you might be interested in sharing with other visitors, including links to interesting sites. You may contact us at information@janesassaman.com.
For ideal viewing of our site, set your screen resolution to 1024 X 768
Click here to go directly to Jane's Quilt Gallery. Use the links above to learn more about Jane's schedule, find out about workshops, purchase books and card sets and explore interesting links and resource bibliography. Have fun and we're waiting to hear from you!
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shop |
Jane's Exotic Garden
9 patterns, 3 color ways. 100% quilt weight fabric for quilts, wearables & interiors . . . shop.
Tri-Flower Handbags! |
These fun, fashionable bags are made by our friends at Ali Blake. Find out more in the store . . . shop.
4 New Needlepoint Canvasses!
There are now 10 stunning needlepoint panels produced by our friends MaggieCo in San Francisco & they are all available in the store . . . shop.
Pajamagram.com Capris |
These are Pajamagram.com exclusives, offered only on their site. Each PJ set comes with an Organza Hatbox, Lavender Bath Tea, Gift Card & "Do Not Disturb" Sign. Or you can save some dough and whip up a pair of your own! Go to Fabric Page
Jane Sassaman
Area Rugs
Something very special! Room sized New Zealand wool rugs based on Jane's designs . . . find out more.
The Quilted Garden,
signed editions
Signed editions of Jane's first book are available for sale. . . . shop
A Century of
Quilts Video
Jane Sassaman is featured in the PBS television special A Century of Quilts and her award winning Willow quilt adorns the cover . . . shop
Click here to view PBS's page devoted to Jane
Color Harmony
for Quilters |
A great place to start to explore concepts of color as they pertain to creating quilts. Features Jane's Groundcover I and Century Plant.. . . shop