Butterfly Garden quilt
Use this fabric to create complex-looking quilts easily...
It's hard to imagine a more optimistic quilt than Butterfly Garden. The quilt explodes with life and colorthe eye never tires of moving from section to section discovering the different elements that make the whole so electrifying.
Yet the Butterfly Garden quilt is a deceptively simple quilt to make. A basic 9-patch center is stood on point and simply-pieced corners attached. The quilt's seeming complexity is achieved through the Butterfly Garden fabric.
Jane's mission has been to design fabric which can be used to make incredibly ornate -looking quilts by simply piecing the graphic fabric together. The same intricate design that makes Jane's "Willow" quilt so mesmerizing can be found in the Mille Fleurs fabric. Instead of appliqueing countless small flowers for the background, Jane has done the work for you in the design of the fabric. This allows you to create illustrious fields of detail and color simply by unfurling your bolt.
Detail of the border element from Jane's "Willow" Quilt. Every element is hand-pieced and appliqueed.
Jane's Mille Fleur fabric achieves the same effect by simply unfurling your fabric.
Take Jane's "Butterfly Garden" quilt as a springboard to your own projects. Once you get the hang of using such dramatic fabric, you might find it difficult to go back to traditional fabric. Don't be afraid to let your enthusiasm drive you in new directions. We are expected to be so literal and practical in our everyday lives . . . let this fabric liberate your sense of curiosity and adventure!
Click the pink butterfly to print out the Butterfly Garden pattern.