Kaleidoscope II
Jane rethinks a classic in Floral Fantasy...
Jane begins a new tradition with the Kaleidoscope II quilt. Based on her enormously popular Kaleidoscope quilt featured in the American Patchwork & Quilting (Fall 2003), version II takes on a new life with brighter yellows,oranges and reds and an electrifying border utilising her new diamond pattrern and an isolated element in the Lily and Crocus design. The result? "Something between Louis Sullivan and a glorious Floral Circus," says Jane, referring to the renowned Chicago architect who integrated organic Art Nouveau design into his buildings' ornamentation.
"The large-scale motifs make it easy to isoloate elements and build visual rhythms, letting the fabric do much of the work." Visual rhythms, indeed!

Print Jane's revised directions and yardages for the Floral Fantasy version of the American Patchwork & Quilting Kaleidoscope pattern (does not include the APQ directions).
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