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This month we introduce the Exotic Quilt Gallery featuring quilts made with Jane's Exotic Garden fabric...and Jane talks about her strategies working with this powerful fabric.
what's new

The Idea Book...
The idea book is the place to come for ideas on how to use Jane's fabrics, patterns and more...
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Featured Book of the Month...

The Women of Taste invitational quilt project paired 50 women quilt artists with 50 prominent women chefs and culinary entrepreneurs...
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Jane's visual resource bibliography...
A new resource for Jane's students and anyone interested in a bibliography of inspirational picture books.
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Archived homepages...
We've created a home for our past stories and Jane's writing.
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on the web
C&T Master Class
Quilt Publisher C&T features a section from Jane's recent book The Quilted Garden entiltled What is Good Design.
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It has been deadly cold in Chicago the past few weeks. What better excuse to stay in and work! After a busy traveling schedule it is a real treat to have this time to design and stitch. My students always send me home with inspiration and now I can finally apply it. I have mainly been working on the next line of fabric for FreeSpirit and making sample quilits using Janes Exotic Garden designs.
The new textile designs I am creating are all inspired by spring flowers, so it has been a pleasant contrast with the out-of-doors. Plus, our back porch green area has scarlet amaryllis and magenta geraniums in bloom to brighten our spirits. The cat is going bonkers, though, from too much time inside.
I am getting the itch to stitch again. As soon as the fabric is finished I will be picking up my new Bernina 200E!!! I can hardly contain my excitement. I have a new piece already started so I can dive right in. My work area is relatively clean and ready, due to a photo shoot last week with American Patchwork and Quilter (we'll let you know when the article will run). So, as far as I'm concerned, it can snow until April!
We have put together an new gallery section for Janes Exotic Garden projects. These fabrics were designed so quilters could make dramatic quilts quickly. Because the print is larger than average, the print becomes the focus rather than the piecing. Some friends and I have put together a few sample ideas for quilting and home decorating. The quilting ideas can be found in the Exotic Quilt Gallery and the home decorating ideas are in The Idea Book. Keep us posted on your own creations!
JAS - January 20th, 2003
New England Quilt Museum hosts Wallflowers...
The New England Quilt Museum, one of the first quilt museums in the country, will be hosting an exhibit entitled Wallflowers. The exhibition will explore the work of leading artists whose quilts reflect their fascination with flowers. In addition, the show will feature antique floral quilts from the museum's permanent collection. Artists will include Debra Danko, Ruth McDowell, Emily Parsons, Jane Sassaman, Deborah Schwartzman and Velda Newman.
The Wallflower exhibit runs from March 27 through June 15, 2003. For more information, visit them on the web at www.nequiltmuseum.org or contact them at 978-452-4207.
Quilt National is fast approaching...
The thirteenth edition of Quilt National is in the offing. Every other spring, the best and brightest contemporary quilters come together to show their latest works at the Dairy Barn in Athens, Ohio. Approximately 85 works will be on display, representing unique approaches to the medium and demonstrating the breadth and diversity of contemporary expressions.
This year Jane will be submitting her quilt, Vortex. Click here to preview this quilt.
Quilt National runs from 24 May through to 1 September 2003.
For more information, visit their site www.quiltnational.com
Pattern Update...
Many of you have been asking when Jane's quilt patterns will be available. We are looking to have four seasonal patterns availble by mid-April. Jane is finishing up the Fall pattern now and we hope to have those to the printers in a month or so. The patterns are very special and we are as excited and as anxious as you to see them ready to go. Stay tuned!
New Fibre Exhibition in Galena, Illinois...
A range of contemporary fibre artists will be on display at the New Fibre Exhibition in historic Galena, Illinois. Exhibitors include Maureen Bardusk, Julie Ferring-Cole, Dorothy Hughes, Michelle Sales and Jane A. Sassaman. An artist reception will be held on April 5th from 2-5pm.
New Fibre runs from April 5 through May 28, 2003 at the Spring Street Gallery in Galena, Illinois. For more information, contact them at 815-777-9040.
About this site...
We want this site to be informational, inspirational and fun! Please let us know what you think. We would love to know what you would like to see in the future, as well as things you might be interested in sharing with other visitors, including links to interesting sites. You may contact us at information@janesassaman.com.
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Click here to go directly to Jane's Quilt Gallery. Use the links above to learn more about Jane's schedule, find out about workshops, purchase books and card sets and explore interesting links and resource bibliography. Have fun and we're waiting to hear from you!
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shop |
Jane's Exotic Garden
9 patterns, 3 color ways. 100% quilt weight fabric for quilts, wearables & interiors . . . shop.
Needlepoint Canvasses
There are now 6 stunning needlepoint panels produced by our friends MaggieCo in San Francisco & they are all available in the store . . . shop.
Jane Sassaman
Area Rugs
Something very special! Room sized New Zealand wool rugs based on Jane's designs . . . find out more.
The Quilted Garden,
signed editions
Signed editions of Jane's first book are available for sale. . . . shop
A Century of
Quilts Video
Jane Sassaman is featured in the PBS television special A Century of Quilts and her award winning Willow quilt adorns the cover . . . shop
Click here to view PBS's page devoted to Jane
20th Century's Best American Quilts |
Companion softcover to A Century of Quilts video featuring full-color reproductions of all 100 quilts, including Jane's Willow . . . shop
Color Harmony
for Quilters |
A great place to start to explore concepts of color as they pertain to creating quilts. Features Jane's Groundcover I and Century Plant.. . . shop