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This month Jane introduces her new quilt Rose Garden and discusses some new directions her work is taking, as well as the influence of a beast of a tale...
View larger images of this quilt and many others in the Quilt Gallery
on the web
C&T Master Class
Quilt Publisher C&T features a section from Jane's recent book The Quilted Garden entiltled What is Good Design.
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PBS documentary
Jane Sassaman is featured in the PBS television special America Quilts. Check your local listings for dates & times or order the video through PBS or Amazon.com.
Click here to view PBS's page devoted to Jane
The latest edition of How to Make an American Quilt features Jane's Willow quilt on the cover.
For a complete listing of Press Releases, click here.
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Rose Garden is the first quilt in a series that has been brewing in the little gray cells for a while. I have been wanting to do some very large, very direct graphic shapes, instead of the traditional technique of seeing lots of small pieces of fabric together. I am working up the courage to make very stark, two color quilts.
I always try to have movement and energy in my work. Rose Gardens action comes from the play of undulating and interlacing branches. The play of interwoven shapes is a recent development, however. I began experimenting with this idea in the Vortex series, which was originally inspired by an enthusiastic tangle of aloe vera curly, spiky spines winding together. Continue this Article...
American Craft Museum acquires Jane's Visitation...
The American Craft Musem in New York City has acquired Jane Sassaman's quilt Visitations and will feature it in it's Six Continents of Quilts Exhibit: The American Craft Museum Collection opening July 3, 2002 at the USB PaineWebber Gallery (one block from the Museum, between 51st and 52nd Streets).
The exhibit will explore the ways in which art quilts have become an international phenomenon, transcending temporal, geographic, and cultural boundaries, as well as those that are arbitrarily posed between craft, painting, sculpture, and design. Traditional quilting and textile techniques, innovative processes, personal imagery and universal messages are all part of the world of art quilts today.
The exhibit runs through September 13, 2002. For more information, visit the American Craft Museum website at www.americancraftmuseum.org and click on "exhibits."
About this site...
We want this site to be informational, inspirational and fun! Please let us know what you think. We would love to know what you would like to see in the future, as well as things you might be interested in sharing with other visitors, including links to interesting sites. You may contact us at information@janesassaman.com.
Jane's online quilt shop is also on the way. The store will feature Jane's own quilt patterns and quilting supplies recommended by Jane.
Click here to go directly to Jane's Quilt Gallery. Use the links above to learn more about Jane's schedule, find out about workshops, purchase books and card sets and explore interesting links and resource bibliography. Have fun and we're waiting to hear from you!
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The Quilted Garden,
signed editions
Signed editions of Jane's first book are available for sale.
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Fabric update!
We are eagerly awaiting the strike-offs of Jane's first fabric collection (9 designs) for Free Spirit. Each design will be available in 3 different color breaks and we hope to have them available by the end of August. Join our mailing list for release date of these eagerly awaited designs.
Textile Gardens Notecards
A lovely boxed set of 16 cards featuring 4 images from Jane's The Quilted Garden.
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