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Jane is happy to introduce her new line of fabric for Free Spirit and discuss a dream come true..
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This is an exciting time in my life. Soon my first line of fabric will be introduced by Free Spirit Fabrics. This has been a dream of mine since college. I was lucky to have some inspired professors that exposed us to the exciting textile design being done around the world in the early 70s. This is when I learned about Marimekko, a modern Finnish textile company. Their large scale graphic designs were dramatic (still are) and unique and I have dreamed of being a fabric designer ever since. It is definitely this Finnish influence that has inspired me to use larger scale patterns for my quilting fabrics.
My goal with this line of fabric was to design large scale prints that could be cut and pieced or appliqued into simple, but dramatic quilts. I want quilters to be able to isolate whole motifs for broderie perse or piecing, or even as whole cloth quilts. I also hope that these floral prints can be used in clothing and home decorating.
I hope that many of you will send me photographs of your imaginative projects so we can have a show & tell gallery on this site at the beginning of the new year. In the mean time, stay tuned because we plan to give you inspiration along the way.
I hope you enjoy the fabrics as much as i enjoyed designing it!
JAS - September 20th, 2002
Jane to show at Tokyo Great Quilt Festival 2003...
Jane has been invited to show a selection of works in the upcoming second annual International Great Quilt Festival in The Tokyo Dome Stadium, Japan in January 2003. Jane's work will be featured in the Distinguished Quiltmakers of the World exhibit.
Last year's festival drew 245,000 visitors and featured workshops, lectures, vendors, a major quilt competition and various quilt exhibits. The 2002 festival was the largest quilt show attendance ever recorded.
National Selections & Quilt National ...
Bloomingdale Park District Museum (in Illinois) will host a 2 gallery show featuring contemporary art quilts September 7 - October 20, 2002. National Selections will feature the works of Caryl Bryer Fallert, Pat Kroth and Jane Sassaman. Jane will be exhibiting Tree of Life: Spring, Seeds & Blossoms, Divine Radiation, Thorn Apple, and Ground Cover II.
Quilt National is the national traveling exhibition of The Best in Contemporary Quilts from the Dairy Barn Southeastern Ohio Cultural Art Center. Jane's Metamorphosis is included in this show.
The Bloomingdale Park District is located in Bloomingdale, Illinois. For more information phone TBPD at 630.529.3650, email them at staff@bloomingdaleparks.org. or go to http://bloomingdaleparks.org/m-museum.htm.
Houston International Quilt Market & Festival...
Jane's new line of fabric will be on display (and on sale!) at the Free Spirit booth at the International Quilt Market & Festival October 26 - November 3 in Houston, Texas.
Quilt Market is a 3 day tradeshow devoted to quilt shop retailers - new merchandise, new trends, workshops and more. Quilt Festival runs from October 31 - November 3 and is open to everyone with an interest in quilting. Quilt Festival boasts more than 1,000 booths of quilts, fabrics, books, patterns, specialty tools, supplies as well as exhibits, classes and, you guessed it, quilts!
International Quilt Market & Festival kicks off October 26 at the The George R. Brown Convention Center, Houston, Texas. For More information, go to http://www.quilts.com.
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We want this site to be informational, inspirational and fun! Please let us know what you think. We would love to know what you would like to see in the future, as well as things you might be interested in sharing with other visitors, including links to interesting sites. You may contact us at information@janesassaman.com.
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Click here to go directly to Jane's Quilt Gallery. Use the links above to learn more about Jane's schedule, find out about workshops, purchase books and card sets and explore interesting links and resource bibliography. Have fun and we're waiting to hear from you!
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Jane Sassaman's
Exotic Garden
9 patterns, 3 color ways. 100% quilt weight fabric for quilts, wearables & interiors . . . shop.
Needlepoint Canvasses
Three new needlepoint panels are produced by our friends MaggieCo in San Francisco. They are hand painted and the detail is stunning. . . . shop.
The Quilted Garden,
signed editions
Signed editions of Jane's first book are available for sale. . . . shop
A Century of Quilts Video
Jane Sassaman is featured in the PBS television special A Century of Quilts and her award winning Willow quilt adorns the cover . . . shop
Click here to view PBS's page devoted to Jane